Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Longest Sentence

While trying to write the longest sentence I have ever written I am apprehensive about how many things may get in my way, like a periods because every time one feels like they finish a thought an automatic twitch of the right ring finger shoots towards the period button but the sentence must go on this is only the fifth line and still the writer may be struggling dearly with that terrible twitch in their right hand ring finger while also trying to keep their train of thought on the sentence once the writer stops writing that could be eat, the ebb and flow of the sentence may be lost so the author struggle to find even more pertinent material to throw into their sentence because still it is only seventh line and that does not seem to be intimidating enough as the longest sentence ever there must be a sentence longer than just seven lines anyone can write a seven line sentence but not everyone can write longer than that so the writer surges on the writer continues their quest when all of a sudden the cramps come and their fingers hurt and the difficulties exponentially grow the twitch in the finger, the struggle for material and the hand cramps are just compounding and the author starts to sweat heavily in the palms of their hands and now loses all control of the sentence they realize it has gotten wildly out of control and couldn't stop iif they wanted to because now their hands are on autopilot and there is no more thinking just typing and the ring finger doesn't know the period button exisits anymore it is about as useful as the F12 button at the top of the keyboard that seemingly does nothing but for some reason the author had always been afraid to venture out to see what it does because like anyone they have a fear of the unknown for all he knows the F12 is a detonator that self destructs the computer and then his glorious run on sentence will be gone lost forever without anyone ever getting to read it like a marathon sentence just longing for the period to come so that the reader can at least blink at least get some sort of complete thought out of the sentence but when they get they realize that not much has been said and they realize that the fewest of words can be more meaningful than this dreadful marathon sentence that seems to be a waste on ones times to read OR write but when the author finally realizes that his sentence is as long as it will get there is a feeling of relief inside and finally the twitch is satiated. Now in that huge sentence not one truly meaningful thing was said. Not one thing was said to even slightly change ones life. But its funny how 1 or 2 words can change someone completely. The first time I told my girlfriend "I love you" it changed her life she knew I wasn't just some idiot guy that just like having a girlfriend, not I was her idiot guy that only liked having HER as my girlfriend. There are so many words in the English language that are just so powerful and people just need to think about them and appreciate what they are and what they mean to use them. When you want to say something, say it. If you have nothing to say, keep your run on nonsense sentences to yourself because you're just wasting everyone's time.

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