Thursday, February 8, 2007

First Blog

It is February 8th, 2007 at 2:50pm. I'm at work and I just set up my blog. I can't wait to go home today. I wrote an extended metaphor about going home because that's all I've been thinking about. I miss my niece and nephew so much they are the best. I feel like I haven't seen either of them in forever they must've gotten bigger. I wrote a song for Maggie my niece. Well, I kinda just wrote another verse of a song i already play for her on my guitar. It goes:
Your eyes are like the harvest moon
Please don't grow up before too soon
Always laugh out loud and smile wide
And fill your soul up
Smile bright
I like it cause as I was playing the actual song for her I kinda just adlibbed and thats what came out. Its not too good but its from the heart so I think that's what matters most. I really like the line always laugh out loud and smile wide. I think that kinda sums up childhood. When you're really young and think somethings funny, you're never too embaressed to laugh out loud and at and smile from ear to ear about something silly. I feel like too many people the older they get the less they smile at things that a child would, and laugh out loud about things that are nonsensical just for the sake of laughing. I feel like laughing and smiling are good for the soul and keep you young. I feel like the more you laugh and smile while you're young the harder it is to forget how to when you're older. I think thats why I never feel the need to hide my laughter and smiles, my parents always told me to smile no matter what. I think bitter people take offense to it when people like me are smiling for no reason sometimes. I don't know. I just hope little Maggie never grows up to be a person engulfed by the bitterness that the world will inevitably show her at times. I think she'll be alright, she has great parents and a wonderful older brother. Little Mikie, is 18 months now and he's eveyrone's favorite person to hang out with. I know I don't have to worry about him. He's such an innocent kid. He's the best I don't really know where to start describing him so maybe I'll save that for another creative writing. That would be fun, to just write an entire thing describing Mikie, I could probably go on for days. Anyway My shift is over at work and I think I've said about all I can about a 1 month old baby girl.

1 comment:

Elizabeth K Gordon said...

Nice one. The way you write, I can feel you do really miss her. Nice pace....the short paragraphs... seems like we write differently for on-line, faster, jazzier.