Monday, February 26, 2007


I'm going home this weekend for my birthday and I cannot wait. I love being with everyone in my family and all of my friends. There's a song by OAR called "I Feel Home" that I learned to play on the uitar and everytime I play/listen to it I almost get choked up because it reminds me so much of that feeling of being home. Where everything is just so comfortable. Everyone is friendly with everyone and even if there is a fight or misunderstanding things can get resolved so quickly and easily because eveyrone has known everyone else for so long that they know no matter what the fight is over its not worth losing a friend. I love the feeling of just hangin out in someones back yard drinkin and listening to music with a couple friends just relaxing. I feel like that is something much harder to do up at college/with people that you are not so familar with. I feel that at college there are very few people with whom I feel close enough to, to have a genuinely good time just sitting around BS-ing. At home no one gets bored with each other, we could do the same thing every single night and no one would complain once, and even if someone did complain they know inside that there's no place they'd rather go. My friends at home are like my second family, they would take care of me no matter what my problem is no matter what I needed they'd do it at the drop of a hat. Its a mutual understanding, a mutual trust, a mutual love that everyone of my friends shares.
I also can't wait to see my family. My little brother is getting so old. I feel like he's still in like 5th grade tearin it up in CYO basketball with his goofy braces and glasses, but he's not anymore. He's 14 going on 15 this year and he starting to really fill out. He's already about as tall as me and is starting to do the things that I was doing when I was a freshman. I get so scared for him that I'm not going to be able to protect him while I'm up at college. I'm sure he'll be fine throughout high school but I still get that feeling like what happens if someone bullies him and I'm not there? I know he'll be fine he's just as strong of a person as I was but I still worry because he is my baby brother and ever since he was little no matter how many fights we got in everytime I saw him feel any sort of pain it ripped me apart that I oculdn't do anything to help him.
It should be a really fun trip home. All my friends are going to come home so that we can all see each other and catch up. I'll be able to see all of them and then finally get to see my little Mikie and Maggie (my nephew and niece). They are so cute, Mikie is getting bigger and smarter everyday and I love the 5 second jibberish conversations I have with him on the phone that end with something resembling "I love you" and a kiss on the mouthpiece. I can't wait to hold little Maggie she must be getting bigger now, too. She is more gorgeous everytime I see her I don't know why my sister is so spoiled to have two such perfect children. I also get to see my Rusty dog. He's the most loving dog ever its amazing. As soon as I come hom he goes wild and whenever I sit/lay on my bed he always jumps up and lays with me. He makes me feel home just as much as anyone. And of course I get to see my mom and dad. I feel like they worry aout me as much as I worry about my little brother while I'm away. I have been feeling very overwhelmed and lonely lately and seeing them will give me a lot of confidence I believe. Only 4 more nights of sleeping in my dorm room then I get to go home it should be great. No, it will be great.

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