Wednesday, February 21, 2007


I forget who it was, but someone once said that great writing is the best words in the best order. I think that's true. There should be some order to the way we speak since there is an order in which we live our lives. Some seem to follow a routine more dilligently than others but human nature simply follows an order. We are born, raised as infants, mess up as teenagers, become adults, maybe have children, get old and eventually we inevitably pass. Some people have their humanly routine abruptly cut short, by choice or chance, but still have to follow that certain order. To me I don't believe that the everyday order in which we live our lives however is what is important. I believe its how was live our lives, who we live our lives with that makes it special. I don't like to follow any real order. I mean, I'm on time to my classes and work (most times) and I brush my teeth when I wake up, but other than that I kind of just let things happen. I'm a terrible planning aheader and in a way like that about my personality. I like being about to wake up everyday relaxed and focused on the things that are important. When I wake up the first images I see by my bed are pictures of my niece and nephew, my grandfather, an angel pin my mother got me, my girlfriend, and my guitar. Those things remind me every single morning how lucky I am and remind me that no matter what kind of things life throws at me today everything's going to be alright. I think thats why I like writing without any sort of structure or with too many guidelines. I also think that's why I like songs. A good song can be soft, slow, with one instrument and a flowing voice, or hard, violents, loud with tons of instruments and a bunch of people just screaming. It all depends on what you put into it. I feel liek if you write a song for the right reasons then it doesn't matter what it sounds like as long as you feel like it truly conveys your feelings. Lately I've been working on some songs, they're not any good at all yet but I really would like to make a good one for my parents or maybe my girlfriend. Without music I feel like I would never have gotten to be so optomistic and I believe that songs are what keep my life so upbeat. I sort've rambled on for a while but my teacher said that's good sometimes because then you kind of carve off the top layers of what's on your mind and get down to something that you don't even realize you're thinking about. I feel like I just took a shower and washed away all the sweat and dirt from the day and have a new refreshed outlook on the day. This is awesome.

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