Monday, May 14, 2007

Letter against URR (Assignment)

To Whom it May Concern,
Mr. Uriah Randolph Riddle is one of the most perplexing individuals I have ever met. His personality makes it hard for me to come up with a place where he will truly be the man for the job. While I have never once doubted his intelligence and natural ability, he is somewhat of a social deviant.
Mr. Riddle honestly dazzled me with his talents in many facets of knowledge. The way he once applied management styles to modern theories of psychology absolutely knocked me off my feet. However, it was the way he handled himself in day to day life that makes me apprehensive as to give scream his praise. He had very sloppy long hair and never dressed very properly at all, almost as though he had just walked in from the street. He had a very hard time fitting in, and I believe this was because he never really wanted to. Once, when given a group assignment, he refused to participate because he felt he was much to intelligent for the likes of a group project. He even went as far as to call my own class boring and cut out every so often.
Now when asked whether he is qualified, I’d be lying through my teeth if I were to say that he isn’t one of the most intellectually qualified people you will probably ever interview. My assessment however, is not only one of the intelligence and aptitude, but of dependability and interpersonal abilities as well. As qualified as he is intelligence wise, he surely falls as short as anyone I’ve met in dependability and interpersonal skills. In my honest opinion, I believe Uriah’s talents may be better utilized elsewhere.
Patrick Wagner

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